Saturday 17 March 2018


Imagine your house as a web site. Like your house address, you have a web address (url). To go to your house you go to that particular address. Once you visit the site you find a homepage in front of you that contains links to other pages. Now imagine all electronics items that you use on a daily basis are web pages on that site. And you find buttons on every page that lets you operate these electronic devices through these web pages. Sounds crazy? Doesn't it?

Well this mechanism could be possible with a peer knowledge on HTML, the language that lets you build and design websites, as well as a bit of servlets and JSP technology. Inorder to use this mechanism to operate home appliances via a website, first a platform or a base is needed. For that purpose, I have created a base project a.k.a. "Web controlled Robot".

This Robot is just the base level project to sustain the above mentioned mechanism which can be a very useful mechanism in daily life as well as can have a new impact on future technologies. The robot is made out of a robot chassis, motors, wheels and some control circuits. The robot contains a micro-computer. These micro-computers could be handy and can act as the server machine that sustains the web server.

Now, on the client computer when the user goes to the particular web address or the url, he/she visits the website on client machine. The data from the client machine is sent over the internet and  the server machine responds by generating the required output.

Initially I have used Arduino as a microcontroller that receives serial data over bluetooth, but in a later stage I would like to use single board computers such as a raspberry pi.

1. Home automation through a website
2. Medical Applications: Doctors can monitor the patients health at different locations over internet.
3. This could be the next step in the field of IoT.